Category: Web-App

  • Studying up on our future competition

    I got the book everybody’s been talking about, Founders At Work, and I am three chapters into it. Actually, I skipped ahead and read a few in the middle, and now I’m back to the beginning to start where I left off. I would highly recommend this book if you are involved in anything to…

  • Free Job Boards: They Appear To Work

    We’re looking for a developer to help out with our upcoming web application. I’ve been taking advantage of the free job boards that exist and have so far had some good results. By far, the best job board I have found is The Apple Blog also turned up a surprising number of good results…

  • Using Google Docs to Write Documentation for Our Upcoming Web Application

    I’m so inspired by the progress we have been making on our web application. In recent days we have covered significant ground, and next week we have some things planned which will kick start some areas of the front end development. I have been working on the documentation for our app, and decided to use…

  • And it gets even awesomer

    Just a little bit of news on our web application that we are building. Emails just went out to 18 people to gather feedback on some areas of our design. They’re getting a sneak peak at the app before we begin the HTML/CSS development. We have been making an effort to have all of the…