Category: Web-App

  • Design or Develop First

    Should a web application be designed first, or developed first? It’s obvious that designers and programmers feel differently about this. Take this perspective, for example (all quotes from comments here): As a programmer, I produce ugly-but-functional designs for the HTML monkeys to tart up however they like. Trying to do it the other way around…

  • Internationalize Web Apps: Yes or No?

    For our web application one of the things we want to do is provide international support. Languages and support for overseas. We would probably focus on South America or European countries first, and then expand from there. It would be something we do after gaining some momentum. I wrote about this after I returned from…

  • A weekend spent laboring

    I hope everybody had a great labor day weekend! Here at Tornado, it was all labor and very little play. If you call building your own web app labor. This weekend we made progress on several fronts. Firstly, we have the beginnings of a marketing site. It’s only a design concept at this point, however…

  • Click here for demo

    Have you noticed that fewer and fewer web applications have demo accounts set up? Instead they have a nice short tour, and a drop-dead simple sign up process. We were pondering whether we should have a demo or not for our upcoming web application. If we were to provide a demo account, people could click…