Category: Software

  • Backup

    What’s your backup procedure? I find it surprising how many people never backup or when they do backup, it’s only once a year. Even when they KNOW they should and know the risk. Developing a regular pattern for backup is very important. My own backup procedure has changed over the years. In the old days…

  • Going Hybrid: Part Five

    Memo to Microsoft and Apple: get off your high horses and sit down and work on making it easier to collaborate in a mixed operating system environment. As much as Apples and Oranges should mix, they don’t. My computers are NOT on speaking terms. Let me explain: There is no easy way to share a…

  • Bee Doc’s Timeline

    For our OSX users here’s a cool little app you can run that makes timelines. Looks pretty cool. I’m going to give it a whirl someday soon. They also have an interesting document sharing system built in Flash.

  • Outlook Tip

    Anybody use Outlook? I do, and I just had a tip for you people who use the Task system inside it. Outlook comes default with just one Task list but you can create as many as you want. Just add a new folder and specify it as a task in the type pull down. I’m…