Category: Software

  • .NET Charting

    This is pretty cool… this company makes a presentation layer .NET component that can produce charts, graphs, and much more on the fly. Anybody know of alternatives?

  • OSX: CSS Editors, RSS Readers, FTP, and Chat

    Hi folks, curious to know your recommendations for Mac versions of the following product lines. I’ll link to the products I’ve tried already. My favorites on the PC side for some comparison are For FTP: SmartFTP, For CSS Editing: TopStyle, For RSS Reading: Feedreader, For instant messages: Trillian. CSS Editors: Dreamweaver is all I’ve tried.…

  • Infragistics

    It looks like Infragistics has a nice set of interface tools and templates for designing complex backend user interfaces.

  • OSX Mouse Control

    I’ve tinkered with the mouse controls in OSX, installed MouseCommand, and now I’m wondering if I should install anything else that will give me more control over how the mouse moves? It’s different on a Mac. I think in that it is trying to give me more precision than on a PC at slow speeds.…