Category: General

  • Converse redesigns

    A couple of the guys in our office are big fans of Converse shoes and so when I saw their new web site I knew I had to share it with you all. The entire site is made with Flash and besides the great product photography, they have some great background textures. And most of…

  • Crayons as art

    Here at the office we’ve been looking over these awesome images from artist Christian Faur. He creates art with interesting materials like paper and crayons. Thanks to Kent who spotted this.

  • BrainFuel Version 6

    I’m extremely pleased to introduce the new BrainFuel to you! This has been a team effort from Kent Downer and myself at Tornado. We’ve been planning a re-launch of this site for a while and are excited about the changes. As you know, BrainFuel has been publishing since 2001 and our desire is to share…

  • BrainFuel Through the Years

    BrainFuel originally launched on January 25, 2001. To celebrate our 8+ years of posting here on BrainFuel we’ve decided to re-launch with a new design and more focus. Now, we’re going to focus exclusively on design and start a new column interviewing designers we respect in the industry. BrainFuel from July 15, 2005 through October…