Category: General

  • Helpful web tool:

    Have you ever been working on a design and need to insert a placeholder image to show where a graphic will go? The typical process is something like this: open photoshop, create a new image, enter the size you need, change the background color, add some text and then save it. Here’s a handy web-based…

  • LEAP Organics’ Package Design

    These designs are just flat out amazing to me. Love the vibrant color, detail, typography, effects. Designed by Moxie Sozo for Leap Organics and scheduled to launch spring 2010. Can’t wait to see them in the wild.

  • The Third & The Seventh

    An fully-animated video showing some of the cool things you can do these days with video animation. Hat tip: Josh Pigford.

  • Ketchup Week Starts Now! The one week a year when you can catch up!

    This year marks the 4th annual Ketchup Week! Originally launched here on BrainFuel, the idea came to me a few days before Christmas, in 2005. For the first two years, it was very simple and didn’t gain much publicity. Now, tools like Twitter and Facebook make it easier to get the word out about Ketchup…