Category: General

  • Best Icon Libraries

    Best Icon Libraries

    I recently did a bunch of research into the best icon libraries. There are quite a few options available, so instead of telling you my favorite I will just link to the various libraries and let you decide! Top picks: The Noun Project: Pixel Love Nova: Orion: Material: Streamline: Fontawesome: Glyphicons: Flaticon:

  • Redirects on Go Daddy using .htaccess

    Redirects on Go Daddy using .htaccess

    I had a lot of trouble getting .htaccess redirects working correctly on Go Daddy. One of our customers is using Go Daddy’s WordPress hosting and we set up a new domain for them. Options +FollowSymLinks -MultiViews # Turn mod_rewrite on RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L] The above in a .htaccess file worked…

  • How To Create a Breathtaking Website and Promote it Offline

    Do you want to create an awesome website to captivate your visitors? If you answered yes, you need to use the right tools to meet your most challenging goals and shape your brilliant idea into a rewarding project. Your website is the first online impression to show people your brand identity. While it is key…

  • Harvesting Christmas Trees with Helicopters

    You’ve probably seen that cool video that’s circulating with the brave/crazy helicopter pilot that is transporting Christmas trees from a field to a truck. I initially thought that it must be fake, since it looks so unreasonable — I mean, the guy was flying crazy fast. But, it turns out that they really do harvest…