Category: General

  • Creating Color Palettes Using Great Paintings

    Let’s face it, sometimes coming up with a killer color scheme for a website design can be difficult. While sites like COLOUR lovers can be a big help in selecting a color palette, some of their palettes are pretty useless because they lack strong contrasting colors, so you end up adding new colors to get…

  • Startup Motivation

    As anyone working on a startup knows, it’s no easy task and there are many ups and downs along the way. We all need a little boost every now and then to keep us going. Sometimes, we just need someone to tell us to quit crying about how hard it is and get back to…

  • Dolphin plays with ring bubbles

    Here’s a really cool dolphin video:

  • Working on a BrainFuel redesign

    We’re working on a BrainFuel redesign and wanted to ask our readers what it is about BrainFuel that keeps you coming back (besides our apparent witty remarks). We’ve just upgraded to the latest version of WordPress to make this effort easier. We’d like to continue the caption contests but find a way to ensure they…