Category: General

  • nextMonet A web site

    nextMonet A web site where you can browse and buy fine art. The interface itself compliments the artwork and does not distract from the important content and images. This design approach would be great for a lot of sites out there.

  • Peace Corps

    Peace Corps This government web site for the US Peace Corps is an excellent example of consolidating large amounts of information into sizable chunks that can be digested easily. They are using a relatively simple design that uses color and just enough interaction to make it fun. The pull down menus are done quite nicely.…

  • Neon Sky While the

    Neon Sky While the mystery navigation doesn’t do it any good, it has some good work featured. They recently completed an Inca Mummy project for National Geographic.

  • Carbon IQ Excellent use

    Carbon IQ Excellent use of information design practices. Everything is easy to find and navigate, and is presented in a manner that communicates experience.