Category: General

  • Troy Forrest | photographer

    Troy Forrest | photographer Designed and submitted by Havoc Interactive, this new site for a Chicago photographer uses Flash combined with some easy navigation to sell a photograph studio.

  • Dominey Design While I

    Dominey Design While I believe I’ve featured this site previously, it deserves another mention. This guy is cool. I just love the whole concept that the site is about. It is like it is its own little world. He just released a Flash 6 voting system that is worth visiting.

  • Youth Hostels Australia Wide

    Youth Hostels Australia Wide use of bright colors and simple graphics combined with simple Flash animations.

  • Emerils This is a

    Emerils This is a cooking web site. It’s actually a variety of restaurants owned by a certain company named Emerils. Either way you slice the pie, it’s an interesting interface.