Category: Tornado

  • It’s Ketchup Week! December 26-30th

    Hooray for Ketchup Week! Please help me spread the word. 😉

  • Project Opportunity: Looking for Developers

    Tornado is currently seeking interested parties to discuss a medical web site development project collaboration. We’re looking for a development company that most likely has multiple developers on staff or can bring together a very seasoned team that has worked together in the past. This project is for a Phoenix company that wants to be…

  • Our Studio

    Tornado moved to new studios earlier this year and we never got around to posting some photos so here is a little tour of our office. The parking lot behind the house (our office is in a coverted home). That’s my car. The back yard has citrus trees and neat brick walls. A view inside…

  • Navigation

    I’m finding it constantly difficult to create new ways of building navigation bars. Sometimes it feels like everything that CAN be done, has been. For the last 7 years designing web sites I always felt like I could come up with a new navbar for each site I built. I suppose after so many years…