Category: Industry

  • Throwing a stick of TNT at your web design

    Remember my article about Clients Who Play Designer? Well, just today Tom showed me this awesome post from SEOmoz about How to Ruin a Web Design. Anyways, it’s great reading and good laugh material around the office. We’ve gone ahead and printed a copy and placed it next to our whiteboard.

  • Master of Buzz

    Who do you think is the “Master of Buzz?” I’ve come up with a few names below, feel free to write in your own suggestion. Dean Kamen — Ginger and “IT” led to the Segway and huge disappointment. Jason Fried — 37signals generates an unbelievable amount of buzz in their niche and occasionally deliver on…

  • What we don’t know can’t hurt us, can it?

    Over the weekend there was a feature showcasing the first ever banner ad ever created. It’s funny to look at the ad because it’s so brainless. Much like the banner ads today. I found a link from the Digg comments to an Organic PDF which mentions that they created the first banner ad. Then I…

  • Justifying spam: A short little rant

    Me: “How many people are on your email list?” Client: “There are about 250,000 on this list we’re going to use, and they all opted in to receive information about XYZ topic!!” Me: “Oh, wow, that’s, um, thats a pretty big list.” What is it about some people that justify the use of spam? Buying…