Author: Thomas Chapin

  • Boot up Windows before you even log in

    If you don’t use any Windows XP login security, then you can skip this article. Otherwise, if you are like many Windows XP users who have to enter a password every time their computer sluggishly boots up, then read this! Ok. Here’s the scenario: You have to wait 2 minutes while your computer turns on.…

  • Get rid of those pesky Windows XP temp files

    I just recently stumbled upon a nifty way to make my windows xp machine run a little bit faster. Check it out. If you search your entire computer for temp files, you may be surprised to find hundreds of megabytes worth of data that has been sitting around since God knows when. Windows is supposed…

  • Satellite Imagery/Video of the USA from space

    What would you think if the government was recording live satellite video imagery of the entire USA, up close? What if a crime was committed but wasn’t discovered till later on? The government could literally rewind time and track the entire path of the escape vehicle, leading to the arrest of the perpetrator. According to…

  • Lightbox JS

    Lightbox JS is a simple, unobtrusive script used to to overlay images on the current page. It’s a snap to setup and supposedly works on all modern browsers. Check it out and tell me what you think?