Month: October 2005

  • To be a true Gentlemen

    To be a true Gentlemen This was written by General Robert E. Lee to his son. To be a true gentleman is an ambition worthy of the best and greatest men. In as much as that term properly understood includes the possession of all good and noble qualities of heart and mind. To be gentle…

  • Realignments and Branding

    Cameron Moll has a new article up on A List Apart you should read. It’s called Good Designers Redesign, Great Designers Realign. This is an important article folks and here’s my take on why: Design isn’t about pretty aesthetics and consistent typography. Instead, as this article points out, it’s really about branding. I notice this…

  • The Three Stooges in The Third Triumvirant

    I’ve been going through old documents (many dating back to the mid ’90s) and finding some gems. Here’s a humorous skit I was a part of in Tucson during a Latin convention. Yeah, I actually went to a convention about Latin back in the day. So without further ado. I present this skit mostly written…

  • Do you pick up pennies?