Month: January 2006

  • The Tipping Point: Google

    Google hasn’t tipped from a business point of view — yet, but they just tipped from a “I love Google” perspective in the mind of its users. I think so, anyways. What do you think?

  • Red Bull

    One of our cohorts here is a big fan of Red Bull drinks. So much so that a 30 pack isn’t an odd purchase for him. Who is this person? It’s Todd of course. Todd even has a monument to the Red Bull on his desk (he calls it his emergency reserves).

  • One Thing

    In the spirit of simple is better I present my version of four things as one thing. I got tagged by Beth Dean. One Job I’ve Had in My Life — I actually exported electronic components to England once. One movie I can watch over and over — This would most likely be The Return…

  • Longest you’ve ever stayed awake?

    So I was having coffee with a friend and we were talking about polyphasic sleep. I’ve decided that if I didn’t want to have a real life I’d give it a try. So my question: What was your longest day and how long (approximately) were you awake? Tell your war story!