Month: January 2006

  • Tauck

    Tauck has a cool site. Nice use of photography.

  • I have a $15 iTunes gift card

    I have a $15 gift card for iTunes and can’t decide what to buy. Help me out.

  • Seriously cool jellyfish picture and other links

    I am not sure why but this jelly fish photo is very cool. CommunicationNation on how to draw a stick figure. Milk meets coffee (6 high speed photos) of milk splashing into coffee. Via shades*of*grey. Next time you demo a product use Guy’s techniques and you’ll be a winner. Neat way to turn a bottle…

  • La Spaziale S1

    If you were going to order an $1,800.00 espresso machine as cool the La Spaziale S1 would you order a red one or a black one? What do you think about the surge of products with trendy colors? I wouldn’t describe this surge as recent. For years companies have been producing brightly colored products, however…