Viddler: New Ability to Switch Videos Using JavaScript

There’s a big new feature from Viddler (new video sharing site) and have a demonstration in this post (RSS readers will need to click through). Essentially, you can now insert a single video player into your blog posts or web site page and “switch” between videos using text links. Try the links below the video to get an example.

Best of Viddler (chosen by yours truly): Excel Tips #1, Excel Tips #2, Eating Butter, Desert target practice, Rockfish, 7up – High Traffic Areas, Wallace and Gromit Soccamatic, Drive to Work – Chris’ drive today, My Air Hogs Airplane – Short Clip.

It’s called ViddlerSwitch and it uses a bit of JavaScript to make it happen. There is a bit of code to insert into the header of your HTML page, and then to switch a video you insert a simple link calling that JavaScript.

The full instructions on how to do this are on the Viddler Development Blog. I’d highly recommend taking a look, as it offers something nobody else is doing.

In other Viddler news, David Wilkinson calls Viddler a Web 3.0 service and that wraps it up for today.

4 responses to “Viddler: New Ability to Switch Videos Using JavaScript”

  1. Dude!! Such a simple feature and yet SO nice. Why did it take someone so long to come up with that? Nice works guys.

    Actually, that pretty much just does the same thing my webpod does at whatasavage, but I load in mp3s where you guys load vids. I also use JavaScript.

    I like Viddler alot!

  2. Pretty cool feature! You know, a WordPress Viddler plugin might be a good way to help spread the word on Viddler?

    And I’m glad to see that the Excel videos made your “Best of Viddler” list! I hope the tips were useful. 🙂

  3. yeah its really nice but what should I use If I need to show thunmbnails of videos and I need to show list of 4 to 5 videos on the same page Please guide me thanks

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