Pac Man Challenge & Other Notable Links

A few interesting links I’ve discovered since returing from Brasil:

10 responses to “Pac Man Challenge & Other Notable Links”

  1. I wouldn’t mind having one of those invites for Farecast, if you’ve any left. (And apologies if a comment wasn’t the way you wanted to be asked.)

    Thank you.

  2. Cheers for the linkage Chris and also for the welcome/invite to the 9rules. I am looking forward to getting ym email to make it official…

    Claus seems to be dominating the high score board at the moment but hopefully I can clamber back up it a bit. I look forward to seeing you over there. He he… I now know why you held back on posting a link 😉


  3. Hey Chris, thanks for the link love, and thanks for the nice compliment there Tomas. I guess I’m going to have to up my writing skills now.

  4. My family is thinking of going on vacation over the summer and Farecast seems like a great tool. Could you hook me up with an invite?


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