How do you relax?

What are some things you do to relax on a weekend?

9 responses to “How do you relax?”

  1. Tie the hammock up in the back garden, get a nice cool ice tea from the fridge and stream a few TV shows onto the powerbook… Good times.

  2. Either go to the pub on a nice sunny Sunday afternoon and drink beer in the warm sun.

    Or get a few mates over and play pool while drinking beer into the night and listening to funky beats.

    Either way beer is the lubricant in my efforts to relax. 😀

  3. I’m a firm believer that its not what you’re doing, its who you’re with… So its not really a matter of WHAT I do on the wknd, its WHO i spend time with… good friends that you can relax around – doesn’t matter if you’re watching a dvd or having a beer at the pub…

  4. Hmmm…how do I relax? I would go to the malls and buy the things I like as long as I money to pay for them. Sometimes I just stay at home, watch ate least 5 to 6 dvds a day. Isn’t that relaxing?

  5. I love early morning tee times. I would love to hit some of the golf courses is AZ during the winters here.

    I also like to hike, Colorado is great for hiking. I got some nice trails less than 10 minutes from home.

    Church on Sunday is also a good way to start the week.

  6. Get out the bike and go for 60 or 70 miles. The mountains of Vermont are gorgeous this time of year, and it’s always relaxing to take in the view at the top of a climb. On a clear day I can see New Hampshire, New York, Massachussets, and Canada all at once.

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