Category: Software

  • Blogging software built in .NET?

    Don recently spent a few hours searching for a blogging software app built in .NET and couldn’t find anything. We wanted to find something like WordPress, only built in .NET. Anyone?

  • FireFox Extensions

    I just installed about 10 extensions in FireFox. I found some neat ones like the weather rank and others. Here’s yet another PageRank tool I found that puts the PR and the Alexa rank in your status bar. The other cool FireFox extension is FoxyTunes which allows you to control your music player from within…

  • iBible

    This looks awesome: For $29 you can get the whole Bible on mp3 designed for your iPod. They have a free sample pack plus the entire Bible as text readable on the iPod screen.

  • It’s FRIDAY (Several Thoughts)

    We live in a crazy world. Yesterday, my friend and I were sitting down to a cup of coffee at a local coffee house and we like to sit in this one corner by the window. It’s also right next to a busy intersection. While we were there a bike rider was hit by a…