Category: Reviews

  • TeraCopy

    If you use Windows and have ever copied files across your network or onto a different drive you know it’s not the best solution. The good news is that there is a great program called TeraCopy that takes 2 minutes to install and instantly improves how your computer copies and moves files. Highly recommended and…

  • Sumo Omni Bean Bag Review

    A few weeks ago we got a bean bag for use at our new office. At first I was skeptical because sometimes bean bags look out of place — especially in an office. To my great surprise the bean bag fits into our decor perfectly. It’s probably because we got a bright green one that…

  • Studying up on our future competition

    I got the book everybody’s been talking about, Founders At Work, and I am three chapters into it. Actually, I skipped ahead and read a few in the middle, and now I’m back to the beginning to start where I left off. I would highly recommend this book if you are involved in anything to…

  • The Godfather, A Review

    The Godfather has been called a perfect film. I wondered why a few months ago, and questioned the merits of the film in a post on BrainFuel. Jordan Lyall, a reader, even said he wouldn’t return to BrainFuel until I had written a review. Poor Jordan, he’s been missing out. It only took me two…