Category: Development

  • The ultimate error message on Google

    A little bit of fun over at Google has resulted in this page. Thanks to Carmen for sending this one.

  • Job Board Software

    Does anybody know of some good software that could enable me to host a job board similar to the 37signals one? I’m interested in expanding my coffee blog to include jobs in the coffee industry. The trouble is, I haven’t been able to locate any job board software that is simple enough. This is definately…

  • Anyone using Django?

    I was just curious if anyone who reads BrainFuel is using Django for development? I know Bryan has been using it lately and has a lot of positive things to say about it. Django just recently surpassed both Symfony and Rails in terms of speed and is really hitting the mainstream.

  • How to Name a Web 2.0 Product or Company

    I asked the designers of a popular new product how they came up with their product name, and they said the reason they picked it was because it was 5 letters, sounded cool, and their girlfriends could remember it the next day. But seriously, I have been pondering product names a lot lately. In doing…