Author: Thomas Chapin

  • Search Accuracy

    Ok. Here’s a simple test for all of you… go to and type in “What is the mass of Jupiter?”. Look at the answer at the top of the page: 318 earth masses. Ok. So search again: “What is the mass of earth?” Gotta love the irony. Now, go to and type in…

  • Geeky Girlfriends

    Roses are #FF0000 Violets are #0000FF All my base are belong to you

  • Color Matcher

    Ever designed something using one color and wondered what other colors would compliment it? Tada: The Solution.

  • Amazing source of inspiration

    This… is… overwhelminging amazing. And depressing, all at the same time. Some company has created thousands of flash templates that they sell. Everything from auto-plex web sites to personal web pages. And they all look strikingly good. You can buy a template for like $65 and then modify it for your own needs. What has…