Month: September 2005

  • Going into business with clients

    Have you ever been meeting with a new prospect when suddenly the prospect wants you to go into business with them? Yeah, it’s been happening way too much lately. Here’s my most recent example: I’m sitting at our conference table. There’s some jazz playing in the office and across from me is a new prospect.…

  • For a little encouragement

    I just stumbled on the Panic site which I’ve visited dozens of times and even purchased software from them. I somehow found myself on a page called The True Story of Audion. A couple of observations: If you are going to write a story, this is exactly how it should be written. It is captivating,…

  • My new plant from the Amazon needs a name

    My good friends gave me a plant for the office (hooray) and I’m at a loss for names. Any recommendations? And no, I am not going to name it Jeff Bezos. That wouldn’t be right. It’s from the Amazon, not So this weekend I went to a bachelor party for a friend who is…

  • Passing the Buck

    What is it about people that they can’t be truthful with simple things? admit they made a mistake. Recently I had someone pass the buck to me. It was innocent enough. A simple error on their part. An oversight you could say, but instead of taking responsibility they passed on the blame for the sake…