Month: May 2005

  • Shoes

    Brown Shoe Company got their hands on a nice generic domain name and they’re trying to capitalize on it. I can’t blame them. I think the shoe market is a great idea for the internet. So… it’s, um, shoes. How exciting a name can you get? I like how easy it is to…

  • Chris’ random links: May day

    Some guy figured out how to use Gmail as a spam filter for his regular email address. Some of these fonts look like they came out of a free font CD from 1996 but it’s worth sharing since there are over 300 of them. Interesting article about how some chef’s are accepting money to promote…

  • Outlook Tip

    Anybody use Outlook? I do, and I just had a tip for you people who use the Task system inside it. Outlook comes default with just one Task list but you can create as many as you want. Just add a new folder and specify it as a task in the type pull down. I’m…