Month: February 2004


    So my friend gets a phone call from today and they’re selling 4-months of “being featured” for $150. Have you ever used this type of service before? What were your results? By the way, this site is simply fantastic in terms of design. It rocks! Think what you like… I love the fact that…

  • Calendar pop up

    Can anybody suggest a javascript calendar pop up script? A layer version might work as well. The one we are using is quite buggy and I’m seeking an alternative. Thanks.

  • Brand of the year: 2003

    The 2003 Brand of the Year (worldwide) is Google. In the US and Canada the brands most popular are (in order): Apple Target Google Starbucks Krispy Kreme JetBlue Nike Pixar Coca-Cola eBay

  • Speak Up

    Speak Up has a new web site (launched today) and it’s fantastic, as always. I wanted to point out the web stie itself and also that they have a new columnist who many of you probably know: David Baker. He advises creative firms on paths to profitability.