Month: February 2004

  • Form validation and usability techniques

    The guys at Signal vs. Noise have a new book coming out and they posted a link to a sample chapter in PDF format. It’s worth downloading and checking out, especially for the plain advice and tips for formatting and validating phone numbers. I have found that phone number validation is really important, especially in…

  • Magazine covers

    Design Observer has an interesting look at how almost all of todays magazine covers are really just photos with a headline and type treatments. Years ago they were a story and an idea usually accompanied by an engaging picture or icon. Yesterday’s covers had a message within the design that they were saying to everyone.

  • Arthur Mount Illustration

    Some very nice illustration work over at Arthur Mount Illustration. If you ask me, it’s very a realistic style, rather than artistic, I’d say.

  • Cool review of Windows source code

    I was chatting with Bill Brown tonight. He’s posted a great link from his site that reviews the recently leaked Windows 2000 source code. Basically as the story goes it doesn’t look like they’ve used Linux source code in Windows, there are some funny code comments, and the code quality is excellent.