Month: January 2004

  • The Daily Standards

    Painstakingly updated every weekday, The Daily Standards is dedicated to recognizing sites that have been lovingly crafted with web standards and the future in mind. (from their about page)

  • Spec design

    Zeldman has a great argument for why you should never design on-spec. Basically, he sums it up in one sentence: Design is only partly decoration. Mainly it is problem solving. Unless the RFP spells out site goals and user needs in phenomenal detail, you can’t create an appropriate design because you don’t yet know what…

  • Bust your your frustration

    Bust your your frustration with bubble wrap!

  • Search boxes that pop up as a layer

    I’ve seen this technique before on the old US West web site however since then I’ve seen it only once or twice (and it’s been over two years). Basically it works like this. Go to the ProjectCMS Forum and click on the Search button and you’ll see the technique. A layer pops up instead of…