
I think the Zune web site is way overdone. Microsoft is trying too hard and I am not buying it.

6 responses to “Zune”

  1. Their emphasis of the “social” aspect with huge photos of people on every page is a bit much.

    My only design comments are that
    a) The fiber optic-like menu lends itself well to a linear tour but poorly to actual browsing of the site
    b) Hover effects for image links aren’t consistent, some change, some don’t, some don’t look like links.

    But, it’s a good match for Microsoft’s new Live/Vista style. It’s not a bad design, and I’ve always been a sucker for rich colors and glass effects.

  2. Nice site design, I like it. The navigation may look like a tour but it also meant to mimick the timelime(or whatever you call the line that shows you where you are on a song) on the actual player itself. When the product does launch I think they really should make it a more direct force-fed retail site. With clearer product specifications and full-on ecommerce.

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