Toyota AYGO

I liked the animation on the Toyota AYGO web site. Clever execution!

2 responses to “Toyota AYGO”

  1. I can translate the meanings of the text:

    “Prenumeration” = “Subscription”
    “Pengarna” = “The Money”
    “Bilen” = “The Car”

    The subtext below each category reads:

    “Read about a new way to have a car”

    “Calculate your montly fee”

    “Check facts, specs and images”

    The new “thing” here is that for 1800 SEK / month (around 225 USD / month), you can “subscribe” to the new Toyota Aygo. Included in this fee is the car, insurance and service. The only additional cost for the user is fuel and taxes (around 56 USD / year under the new CO2-based taxes). Toyotas idea behind this model is to allow younger people to have a new car, most young people (for example those studying at the university, who gets around 880 USD/month) can afford this, but they could never get a car loan or bankloan to buy one.

    A new toyota aygo cost around 12000 USD here. So the deal is quite good.

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