Sweet’s Brand

My friend Edward Sweet just launched his new company selling salt sweets. His last name is Sweet and so he named it Sweet’s Brand. It’s very fitting. Anyways, I wanted to share his site because I dig the logo and site. I’ve already placed my order.

sweets brand

14 responses to “Sweet’s Brand”

  1. So his name’s Sweet and he sells sweets… how very convenient. You know, I once knew a guy named Jeff Sears whose mom worked at Sears (no lie!)

  2. Pardon the pun, but that’s a sweet site. Love the color combo. Bravo! By the way, what are the typefaces?

  3. Thanks for the PR, Chris…and for the order! My products are actually SOUR things. Which isn’t as convenient as SWEET, but I think it’s pretty funny and ironic. If you like a fresh tart taste, please give my products a try. I’ll have to check on the type faces….stay tuned.

  4. I have tasted Ed’s Sweet Salt (actually it tastes sour, Sour Salt! and it’s delicious). I think my kids will like the flavor on cereal or yogurt.

  5. Haha, we just had a client here and he loved the Sweet’s Brand packaging. So I opened up a bottle for everybody to try. It’s really weird sampling a product around a conference table that makes everybody’s face light up. Wow. That’s awesome.

  6. Heh, cool.

    Ed, just one thought. The charity bit is nice but seems needlessly complicated. Instead you could simply pick a charity from a list when placing an order.

  7. That’s a great idea, Botman. I’ll keep it in mind for phase two. Part of the challenge is to get authorized by some well-known charities, which is more difficult than it sounds. For now, I have TWO participating causes, so if you want to place an order you can help them out: If you enter “3-DAY” in the ORDER COMMENTS BOX, I’ll donate 10¢ for every jar you order to my wife’s 3-Day Breast Cancer Walk Team. And if you enter “DREAMS” in the ORDER COMMENTS BOX, I’ll donate 10¢ for every jar you order to help my friend Lisa Murray make her documentary film. Or you can put them both in and I’ll divvy it up 50-50. And if you have any causes you’d like to support, we can figure something out. When I start sending my free quarterly newsletters in September, I’ll have a list of causes and an explanation there….So sign up for those! Thanks and keep the comments coming. I really appreciate them.

  8. Jason, thanks for the type i.d. I’m a budding type freak myself. I drive my wife nuts pointing out type faces everywhere we go. She almost won’t go to the movies with me anymore, because I can’t stop myself from yelling at the credits, “Well, surprise surprise. They used Trajan AGAIN!!!”

  9. Hey Chris, that really is a sweet site! Nice work! I love the playfulness of the Flash and the e-commerce is integrated very tightly. Nice work!

  10. Hi Josh, thanks for the compliments on the Sweet’s Brand site, except we didn’t design it, I just know the guy behind it — that’s all. Sorry for the confusion!

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