Kettle Potato Chips

I like the simplicity of the Kettle Chips site. They’re doing some great branding work here, positioning themselves as the ultra-crispy alternative from a small environmentally concious company.

8 responses to “Kettle Potato Chips”

  1. I know! They’re sooooo good! My favorite is the dark bag. The light salt ones. I really like the simple approach they have to bag design.

  2. Yeah, it really is a nice menu. The one on the page of chips (second screenshot) is flash but all of the others are not. Good observation.

  3. Thanks for the post. I appreciate the compliments on my site. I manage the web for Kettle Foods and also do much of there design work. Leopold Ketel and Concrete designed the navigation and original structure of the site, and I’ve worked on a lot of the recent marketing functionality.

    I’m also the photographer behind those photos, so I’m pleased to hear that they’re making everyone hungry!

    We just launched our Fan Club today, so please go sign up. There’s a ticket for free chips if you do!

    Thanks again

  4. Hi Garrett, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I really like the photos. Good job with everything and thanks for the tip on the Fan Club.

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