
Years ago at my old job at marchFIRST we were all ushered into a small conference room one busy morning and it was announced that we would soon have a new boss. Since our current boss was also in the meeting it made for an awkward moment. And then we found out that our current boss would be staying, too.

“Oh great, now I have two bosses!” all of us were thinking.

Our new boss was named Jon.

Jon started a little less than a week later and on his first day he made the rounds in our small cubicle farm (the creative department consisted at that time of about 7-8 people). When he approached my desk I said hello and then he pointed at a CD on my desk and said “I designed that CD cover.”

repeat the sounding joy glenn close placido domingoThe CD in question was “Repeat the Sounding Joy” which is a Christmas track. You could call it a classic or an annoyance depending on how many times you’ve listened to it. I still like it.

Now here’s where it gets awkward because instead of having the actual CD with me I had an inkjet print of the original cover and a CD I had burned. My original was at home.

“Oh, well, this is just a copy I made from my other disk” I explained.

“Oh, sure” he replied.

Great way to meet a new boss.

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