Category: Photo

  • Bridge between Sweden and Denmark (actually, it’s not)

    The bridge (or should it be called tunnel) goes under water to allow movement of ships. In order for ships to pass, this bridge is half under the water. You drive down in the water and then come out on the other side. Truly a marvelous piece of engineering! This bridge is between Sweden and…

  • new stock site – PictureQuest

    Found a new stock photography site. It appears to aggregate content from other companies, including Corbis, Photodisc, and Rubberball.

  • Arizona Photographer

    Last year we worked with local fine art photographer Pat Kelly to design and develop a web site to showcase his photography. We just wanted to share the site and show some of his great photography.

  • NY City Photos

    I think it’d be fun to start a project like this myself. Take a bunch of photos of downtown Phoenix and then go save them for five years, a decade, and then take the same shots. Of course, the ultimate would be to see a huge span of time such as 50 years, however, you…