Category: Industry

  • 48%

    US Broadband Penetration Grows to 48.6%.

  • Gaim

    I hadn’t heard of Gaim before today, essentially it is a chat client that integrates with all of the major services (very similar to Trillian except it is an open source project).

  • $33.99

    We’ve been running Google AdSense ads on the right side of this site for exactly one month now. I promised that we would let you know if we made any money. I’m pleased to report we earned $33.99 in 30 days. Some people might say that’s not very much, and I say… it’s $33.99 more…

  • Useful tech jargon and dns sites

    Some cool sites you can use to search for domain names, dns records, and much more are: DNS Report, DNS Stuff, NetLingo (dictionary of internet words), TekTips (search for worldwide domains in one place). The last bit of news which is interesting is that GoDaddy is apparently the #2 registry for domain names, passing (I…