Category: Industry

  • Peaks and Valleys

    I should really be working on my startup right now. But, I’m not. I’ve been in a valley for the last few days. Other days it’s peaks. Today it’s a valley. That’s how it goes when you’re bootstrapping a product on your own. I suppose that’s how it goes when you have funding, co-founders and…

  • vs

    I think it’s interesting how closely eBay and Amazon compare in traffic (according to Alexa). This chart shows 3 years of trends and they have pretty much the same trend going.

  • SXSW Thoughts, So Far

    Uploaded with plasq‘s Skitch! It’s an interesting place. Austin is definitely a nice town. I’ve had the chance to meet some semi-famous people (at least in the internet space). This morning I went to a panel hosted by a Google, Yahoo, and Apple employee. It was quite good. Then this afternoon I got a chance…

  • Design Police

    Andrew pointed me to the Design Police web site today. Absolutely hilarious idea! When can we expect to be able to purchase these as stickers is my only question?