Author: Brian Shaler

  • Development Time vs. Flexibility vs. Security

    Unless you are willing to sacrifice a lot of time to make an application flexible AND secure, you will have to choose one or the other. In this example, I compare Myspace profiles and Facebook profiles. Myspace offers very much flexibility for users on their personal profiles. Unfortunately, they chose to allow users to embed…

  • Digg API Contest Finalists Announced

    Digg announced the 10 finalists for their API contest. Now the Digg community gets to vote for one week to decide the prize winners. This may be a little shameless, but I would like to point out that one of the finalists is a Flash piece that I created: The original page for it…

  • The Allegory of Time Investment

    It has been said that ‘time is money’. The association is generally drawn between the two in reference to billing hours. If you are not doing something that brings you money, you could be doing something else that would. Therefore, the profitless activity is costing you the money you could be earning. This concept should…

  • Does Digg Need a Pictures Section?

    That is the first of a series of questions as we examine whether or not Digg needs a Pictures section. The answer seems obvious. Thousands of Digg users have expressed their support for a Pictures section. Has the ‘wisdom of the crowd’ come up with the best solution? People have been focusing on that answer,…