Month: December 2005

  • Friday Links

    For a flash from the past check out the 2001 Tornado Christmas Card (delivered online and printed), it’s still pretty cool even 4 years later. Here’s a new CSS Tips/Tricks Forum Rollyo search roll for BrainFuel. 24 Season 5 starts in January! PHP + CSS Dynamic Text Replacement. MySync – Mac to Mac syncing without…

  • Ski and paraglide all at once

    There are few things better than a quiet day in the mountains gently sliding down the face of a mountain (on skis of course). I’m thinking that skiing while paragliding might just top any other combo-sport I’ve encountered. When you have 5 spare minutes watch this video clip and tell me this isn’t the coolest…

  • Have you ever been shot?

    Things people have said to me after I asked them an interesting question: “Actually, yes, I’ve been shot at twice. Once I was hit in the calf of my leg and another time the bullet grazed my head.” “I only drink on the weekends.” “I’m usually only drunk 7 or 8 times a year and…

  • Musicians are not artists

    What’s up with this trend to call musicians “artists”??! I think it needs to end and end right now. Painters are artists and musicians are people who play instruments. Care to prove me wrong?