Month: December 2004

  • Sprite based web design?

    Now this is interesting! Shacknews figured out how to use CSS to “skin” their web pages with just a single image file. This web page has the low-down on how to do it yourself.

  • Lee

    Lee has a new web site (which is undoubtably only for this winter season). I really liked the graphic style. Don’t miss the Emu Lander game (which is just a remake of a space ship lander game engine I’m sure).

  • Meal on legs

    Honda’s ASIMO robot really is impressive, for a walking robot that doesn’t do much. Some of the earlier versions (see a picture) look like an Oven or BBQ on legs!

  • Giving Gifts to Clients

    Do you give gifts to your clients (specifically for Christmas/Holidays)? What about coworkers? Do you give everyone the same thing? Or are you just sick of giving out gifts?