Month: April 2004

  • Dept 3

    From that same post about good copywriting I mentioned yesterday, I found a company called Dept. 3 which has an elegant Flash web site that makes content and ease of use primary.

  • We Sold Out

    As you can see, we’re trying an experiment with Google text ads. So far, they don’t seem that relevant – I may be a web designer, but that doesn’t mean I NEED a web designer!

  • Clip-n-Seal web site

    I was reading a discussion about copywriting on the web and came across the Clip-n-Seal web site. It’s a winner because it’s so simple and concise I feel like they’re not wasting my time. I can immediately focus on the content and figuring out what exactly the product is and does.

  • We have a Favicon – Thanks to Ryan Thrash

    Thanks to Ryan Thrash, today we have a new favicon for BrainFuel. We didn’t have one before and Ryan has made a fantastically cool one using our fire icon. Thanks a million!