Month: March 2004


    I thought that the web site was very nicely designed and that the writing and flow of the site was straightforward. In fact, I felt like the buttons answered specific questions I had at each moment.

  • XP user? Dock like a Mac!

    Software review: Object Dock is a very cool app in beta that does the Mac dock better than the Mac does. “Out of the box” it has many more features than the Mac’s – even when OS X’s dock is customized with all available 3rd party hacks! Not only can this one show current running…

  • Designing for the Homeland Security Dept.

    “red alert” a short film by zefrank (QuickTime) is one of the funniest short interviews I have seen in a while. It’s filled with funny little jokes and comments. I think my favorite line might be: “Shows a per-person statistical chance of getting killed by a terrorist attack.” when he’s talking about the color code…

  • Talk about technology

    Talk about technology – NASA Develops Subvocal Speech Detection! – also known as ‘talking to oneself.’ When speaking inaudibly, the brain sends signals to the tongue and vocal chords which can be detected, even if no sound is actually produced. Right now the system only works with a small set of words My thought is…