Category: General

  • Flash Chess What nobody

    Flash Chess What nobody thought was possible? Chess in Flash. These guys did it with the new Flash MX using Actionscripting. Quite a kick, however, I won easily. I played the hard version and the computer just moved its Queen around and tried to take pieces. It even missed some obvious opportunities.

  • Macromedia the edge newsletter

    Macromedia the edge newsletter May 02 This is a great way to do a web version of an email newsletter. I think Macromedia did a great job with the “loading” screens. The gradient moving across is superb.

  • IDEO Did anybody notice?

    IDEO Did anybody notice? IDEO has a new site. Check it out. If you haven’t read the book about this company, I highly suggest you get a copy for yourself.

  • Rockport Publishers This company

    Rockport Publishers This company has a neat logo that looks like a sailboat, notice how the ‘p’ in the logo acts as a keel? Pretty clever.