Month: May 2003

  • CSS Zen Garden

    If you haven’t seen CSS Zen Garden, please check it out. You’ll immediatly notice the page is entirely layed out with CSS and you can click to see different variations of the page all done in CSS.

  • McKesson Corporation

    It appears that the McKesson Corporation has a new site and it looks like somebody spent a bit of time with the CSS and architecture planning.

  • Stanton Schiffer, M.D.

    I never wondered a website might look like if designed for a medical practice, and now I don’t have to. It looks like Dr. Schiffer got his money’s worth.

  • Whimsical sheep

    Since we’re on MovableType now we offer the opportunity to develop more of a community here on BrainFuel. With each post you can feel free to post your own comments. What sites to share? Don suggest but I think not, any of you ever see that? PBS frequently uses it as bumpers between shows…