Category: Reviews

  • Going Hybrid: Part Two

    A week ago I posted about my desire to switch to a Mac (actually, what exactly I was switching to was not told but most people get the idea). I also talked about the idea of using both platforms… going Hybrid. At this point I’ll be lucky if I go hybrid at all. You see,…

  • Top 100 Laptops

    CNET has a list of the top 100 laptops.

  • Secondhand Lions

    Based on the recommendation from some good friends, I recently watched the movie Secondhand Lions. It’s a movie about a kid who has an irresponsible mother and is sent to spend the summer with his wealthy uncles in Texas. The movie is really good. Without spoiling it, the two uncles spent a considerable amount of…

  • Waking Ned Devine

    Waking Ned Devine

    In the spirit of the movie review writing season, I thought I’d chime in with some of my own. Thus begins a very short series of movie reviews… Don’t expect much. I just watched a somewhat different movie called Waking Ned Devine. It’s about a guy in Ireland who dies upon seeing his winning lottery…