Author: Jeff

  • Get a Call from Dwight!!!

    DwightOffice fans will love it. Have Dwight call you now! …The most fun thing all day, and probably the rest of the week….and after that, will stay in the top 50.

  • Brighten your day…

    …whatever is wrong in your work day, just stop and watch this video. I promise, that for the 1.5 minutes you are watching you will forget about what’s bothering you. And maybe, just maybe….even laugh.

  • Are you White & Nerdy?

    …in case you’ve missed it. Quite funny, and a little scary as to the fact I knew & understood his lyrics. …warning, playing this video WILL guaranee the song gets stuck in your head for at least the remainder of your day, in my case 3 days. Press Play at your own risk.

  • Find of the Day: typetester A very nice web mini-app we can all use to compare type with. …Thanks Seth!